me and my guy's song, done by a local artist. i love the lyrics of this song. this song has also been made into different versions and remakes of some of the other local artists too here in Manila. HOW DID YOU KNOW? (Chiqui Pineda) I remember so well The day that you came into my life You asked for my name You had the most beautiful smile My life started to change I'd wake up each day feeling alright With you right by my side Makes me feel things will work out just ...
This song is my dream marriage proposal. I guess it would be too easy for my boyfriend now, I even supplied the lyrics already. Hahahhaa. *hint* *hint* *hintttttt* lol it just made me melt when Adam Sandler had played and sang this for Drew Barrymore. Thy're just a cute couple Absolutely one of my mushy fave movies of all-time. So, here, just sharing a mushy part of me. And after this, please pretend I didn't say all those. wahahha I WANNA GROW OLD WITH YOU Adam Sandler (Wedding...