today is such a great night. and it's been this great eversince the start of this week. i've been smiling a whole lot this week, and it's all because of this one man. and i'm so happyy. happy and blessed that i found him, that we both found each other, at the right place, and at the right time. it's amazing how one can feel such for another person. and i still could not stop feelin so lucky, and i always grin like a HS girl. well, i AM still a girl anyway! i like having this blog now, so ...
it's already one more work night for me, and then it's already rest day!! whooppeee!!! *dances around the room* yay! i'm always giddy when it is already my rest day as i can be able to sleep in all i want..woohoo! snooze time. the only party pooper is i won't be able to chat with my baby. oh well. tonight, i'm supposed to be going out with college girlfriends, however, nobody seems to be texting me, so i guess the plans got cancelled. and to think i was so darn excited to finally be able...